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B29 InvestmentsLogo

B29 Investments is a private equity firm representing the interests of John Schmitz and his family. Since its inception, the firm has invested in both private and public companies within the energy sector.


What We Do

B-29’s team is built on past experience as operating managers and investment professionals. We leverage our experience for equity investment opportunities wherein the team can function as owner/operators and integrate into the day-to-day management.

  • 25+ Year History of Energy Investing Experience:

  • 45+ Years of Industry Operations Experience

  • Investment Across all Verticals

    • Energy Services​

    • Exploration & Production

    • Midstream / Logistics

How We Work

Private Investment Leaders

Day-to-Day Management Integration

Work hand-in-hand with management teams, often serving in roles such as CEO, CFO, or COO, in addition to board level management.

Investment Increase

Unit-Level, Real Time Business Intelligence

Develop and ingrain these tools into daily decision-making processes to provide granular return on capital insights.

Investment Timeline

Capital Investment Timelines

Deploy and harvest capital strategically as value dislocations appear. B-29 has no external timeline pressure and is comfortable holding investments through cycles or into perpetuity.

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